Sunday, September 5, 2010

ぼくの 一番すきもの

My favorite part of Japan is れきし、espeically, the age of 戦国.
Daimyo,(大名), is powerful territorial lord in premodern Japan who ruled most of the country from their vast, hereditary land holdings. They were the most powerful feudal rulers from the 10th century to the middle 19th century in Japan following the Shogun(将軍). From Muromachi period(室町時代) through the Sengoku(戦国) to the daimyo(大名) of the Edo period(江戸時代), there had been countless daimyos rising and falling. There are very famous figures such as Takeda shingen(武田信玄),Tokugawa Ieyasu(徳川家康), Toyotomi Hideyoshi(豊臣秀吉), Oda Nobunaga(織田信長), and Date Masamune(伊達政宗). War is nothing to be fantasized and miserable part of human history. However I beleive it's useful to learn from how they handled and solved the imminent problem of survival.


  1. どても おもしろい れきしですね。

  2. 日本の れきし is very interesting indeed! I assume さむらい were involved in these wars? So sad, I studied 日本の れきし through an online course during high school 「こうこう」 but have forgotten everything :(

  3. This is very impressive.
    I thought I knew lots of Japanese history, but I did not know the facts you posted.
    Such an interesting story :)

  4. 私も戦国時代を好きです!毎年大河トラマを見ます。
