Thursday, August 26, 2010

みなさん, はじめまして。

いまから じこしょかいを します。
みなさん, はじめまして。
私の名前は シンです。どうぞよろしくおねがいします。
私は 三年生で、せんごは パイナンスです。

The reason I am taking EALJ 10111 is that I had many chances to learn it but I never facilitate the opportunites.

My parents studied in Japan when I was very young, even though I lived in Japan for about two years, I couldn't learn any; once again I was too young. Still my father loves Enka, my mom loves Japanese food such as Nato and Umeboshi. While growing up, Japanese animation was very popular among our generation and I have kept my attention on excellent novels such as pieces by むらかみ はるき, TV dramas like のだめカンタービレ, and movies like Love Letter. The blog title came from a novel, which eventually reproduced as a movie and a drama, 世界の中心で, 愛をさけぶ. My favorite history novel is 大望, which is about 徳川家康、豊臣秀吉、and, 織田信長。I think I have read the books more than twenty times and deeply touched by 徳川’s endurance(忍) and sincere attitude of his life. I also found interesting that Japan has its own unique style of goverment. It still acknowledges the Emperor(天皇) while having prime minister. It is similar to the one of Great Britain but it is impressive that there has been no change of dynasty.

Unfortunately, during my first and second year in Notre Dame, I had to take Chinses classes instead of Japanese. I do not want to miss out this opportunity to solidify my basis for learning Japanese.


  1. I must say, your Japanese is impressive.

  2. 日本語のだんらく(paragraph)は とてもいいです。日本のぶんか(culture)が すきですか? がんばって下さい。

  3. I like のだめカンタービレ as well !!

  4. Man, your killing it with the hirigana lol. Not a lick of romaji to be seen. nice

  5. Sweeet! I really need to learn how to write Hiragana well on my computer, too. It looks really impressive. Jaa mata!

  6. your Japanese skill is pretty good.
    you should take second year Japanese course. lol

  7. I totally agree with Sean. LOL. Let's have a fun semester!
